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4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a Writer

4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a Writer

Everyone should feel confident, happy, and secure in their job roles, even if they are forging a new life as a freelance writer. Taking steps to improve your abilities and feel more confident will help to boost your overall satisfaction…and how much you make. Here are four easy ways to boost your confidence. 

1. Complete online training courses 

Modern technology means that it is now possible to complete a wide variety of online courses from the comfort of your home. These courses are designed to be flexible and can be completed at your own pace, alongside work and other commitments. Completing online training courses and qualifications can be an excellent way to develop your skills and improve your abilities at work. Taking the time to focus on your professional development will put you in a stronger position when applying for promotions or other advancement opportunities. Here are some courses to consider:

Other ways to broaden your knowledge include reading up on the latest research in your sector and attending webinars, workshops, and talks with industry experts. 

2. Dress to impress

One study found that wearing formal business attire improves abstract thinking, creativity, and long-term strategizing. Another study found that doctors make fewer mistakes when wearing a white lab coat. Overall, there is a lot of research to suggest that what you wear at work is essential. The way you dress at work can have a significant impact on your performance and overall productivity, but it works for at-home workers, too. For that reason, you should dress in clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident. For instance, a well-fitted tailored suit can make you feel powerful and instantly boost your self-confidence. You might consider getting a few “power pieces” of jewellery that make you feel powerful, even if you’re wearing jeans and a tee. offers an excellent range of versatile pieces that can be used to complement any work outfit. 

3. Maintain a positive mindset 

Things will not always go to planned, and it’s important not to beat yourself up or respond negatively when you encounter issues. You can maintain a positive mindset by learning from your mistakes, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and taking regular breaks. Maintaining a positive outlook will help you feel more in control, which should help to boost your confidence levels. 

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions 

Doing something incorrectly because you were too afraid to ask for help is not going to help your confidence in the workplace. You should keep in mind that you are never going to know all the answers, no matter what stage you are at in your career. For that reason, you should always ask questions and seek clarification if you are unsure about something. Never be afraid to ask your client for clarification. That way, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to complete your work tasks efficiently.

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