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How To Cook Restaurant-Quality Meals At Home

How To Cook Restaurant-Quality Meals At Home

Have you ever wondered how chefs work magic in the restaurant kitchen? The presentation of food, aroma, taste and the whole ensemble work together to give these dishes their appeal. Fortunately, the secret isn’t far-fetched; it’s in the blend of creativity and technique. You can still achieve restaurant-quality meals in the comfort of your home. Here are some tips that will help you put some tasty dishes on the table like a pro without breaking the bank.

Remember that presentation and plating matters

If you have ever been to an art gallery, one thing you will observe is the careful arrangement and positioning of colors. Artists are careful with placement and presentation, and restaurant chefs are no different. Skilled chefs pay attention to the aesthetics of food presentation without compromising taste.

When trying it out, you may not get it exactly like a professional chef’s handiwork. First, experiment with different plate shapes, textures and garnishes. The latter can be tricky, but a quick online search can help if you struggle. Are you trying to garnish your homemade restaurant-quality pasta dish with a light cheese sprinkle? Try to sprinkle the cheese gently without scattering the cheese gratings all over the plate. This part can be tricky to replicate, but your effort will be worth it.

Use fresh ingredients

It’s worth noting that chefs are dedicated to picking fresh and quality ingredients for all recipes. Indeed, freshness is key, and it goes a long way to determine the overall appeal of the food you prepare. High-quality meat cuts, locally-sourced produce, herbs, and spices must all pass the freshness test.

While there is a lot of focus on locally-sourced produce, you can also experiment with exotic ingredients you may need for a special dish. The internet holds a world of information if you need help selecting ingredients for your recipe.

For example, there are many ways to check for vegetable freshness and quality. Many rely on the appearance alone, but that may not always suffice. It is also good to check for any soft spots which may indicate poor quality. Check for the smell too. Every vegetable has a unique fragrance, so anything different from what it should be could indicate that it’s not fresh enough and may be going bad.

Use technique and precision

If you are a fan of fine dining, mastering a few techniques can help you replicate restaurant-quality meals at home. Many people watch cooking shows by famous chefs and always wonder about the extra attention to knife skills, searing, sauteing and other cooking techniques. The secret lies in the effective use of technique and precision.

For instance, if you spot a dish online, like a chicken fried steak recipe from Preppy Kitchen, you must exercise precision by getting the process right. First, tenderize the meat before dipping it into a seasoned flour mixture. After which, pressing the meat gently into the flour is important to avoid it flaking off during frying. The technique and precision needed here affect how well your steak comes out. You will be happy when your chicken fried steak recipe looks how you want it and as you’d find in your favorite restaurant.

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