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Benefits and Questions to Ask When Choosing Wood Stoves Online

Benefits and Questions to Ask When Choosing Wood Stoves Online

There are numerous benefits to investing in a wood-burning stove. For homes that already have one, there is nothing like sitting in front of one on a cold winter day with hot cocoa in one hand and a book in another. 

For those who have not used this comfort, you can take heed in knowing that these are some of the more sustainable heating solutions any home can decide on.

Two Main Benefits of Wood Burning Stoves

Two of the main benefits that come with these stoves is they are cost-effective and sustainable.

Cost-effective: every homeowner knows how much the cost of heating a home during winter or any other season can rack up those bills. Electricity is not cheap and running an electric heater is just as damaging to the wallet. When you do every year and have to pay more for the comfort of warming yourself, it can add up in the long run and may not be as great an experience as you would have hoped.

What’s more, the price of non-renewable resources has increased over recent years because of the damage it does to the environment and the diminishing environment as a result of burning them constantly. Some homes waste a lot of energy with heating in various rooms even when the residents are not around. 

With wood-burning stoves, you can heat a particular zone in the home, and the rest of the house will also automatically get warmer as a whole. Thus, minimizing your gas bills and savings you extra costs. 

If you invest in an EPA-certified stove, which is certified under the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), information of which is found on this website, they are tested to limit any harmful emissions, and as a result, burn more efficiently to use up only one-third of the firewood that the traditional models burn.

If you want to cut costs and live in an eco-friendly environment these are one of the best solutions for you.

Sustainability: the second reason to consider these are for their sustainability aspects. As briefly mentioned above, these are an eco-friendly option for many homes, as opposed to other domestic heating solutions that burn fossil fuels which are harmful to the environment as well as your health and well-being.

Wood is a renewable source and as such is a safer heating alternative to use. It comes in many forms such as sawdust, wooden chips, pellets, charcoal and sheets, to name a few. But for these particular appliances, the logs are the best formats to use:

Wood has had many uses since the beginning of time, and a lot of places that sell the logs also recycle them from waste in factories to help promote sustainable living. So, you won't feel guilty when burning it to keep you warm.

A Few Other Details

There may be a few questions you are asking yourself about these beauties and below are some of the common ones that people tend to ask before choosing the right one for their homes.

Which type of stove should I get?

This is a good question to think about mainly because there is not one kind, but two common types. A brief explanation has been provided below:

The Non-catalytic option

This means that this design does not have a catalyst mechanism built into it. However, they still do have mechanisms that help reduce emissions and reduce the risk of smoking the house. Baffles, for instance, are included and are designed for the heat and exhaust fumes to disperse. Once the stove reaches 7.5g/h of smoke, it will need to be replaced, according to the EPA.

The Catalytic Option 

These have a device known as a ‘honeycomb’ that is used to direct the fumes through the exhaust, similar to one installed inside a car, and the fumes go out through the exhaust pipe. These are made from a ceramic material and help to burn the wood and particles and also help to minimize pollutants from mixing with the air inside the house.

These may need slightly more maintenance, but depending on where you buy it from you can invest in the rear vent wood stove which will release more heat into the room and can fit nicely into a recess inside the wall. They would be the more efficient option between the two and the only thing you will need to replace is the catalyst after a couple of years.

A central heating system installed in modern homes, may not be as efficient as using these types of heating alternatives especially as they may be on a timer and may not heat a room as much as constantly burning wood will. Choosing the right stove for your space can be a great thing and will add a great focal point to the room as well. Both functionality and aesthetic appeal both in one place – what more could you ask for? 

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