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3 Ways To Make Your Website More Engaging

3 Ways To Make Your Website More Engaging

You may already have a beautifully crafted website. Now how do you increase your website traffic? If you’re struggling to increase your website visitors or improve your conversion rate (conversion from visitor to sale, for example), you may need to make your site more engaging. Here are three ways that you can make your website more appealing and attract potential new customers.

Ask Your Audience

Gaining feedback from users is a vital part of refining your website. Gauging what people think of the user interface (UI), and their user experience (UX) of navigating through your pages, is essential for engaging your audience. When designing (or redesigning) your site, it should be predominantly based on reviews of UI and UX. 

Using click testing and UX tests will boost your visitors’ engagement. Click testing involves asking targeted questions to the user and requesting them to click on the relevant part of the webpage. For example, asking the user where they’d expect to click to find specific information, would give an accurate indication of where it should appear on the final website design.

Be Sociable

There are two parts to being sociable on a website: engagement on social media and making it easy for customers to contact you. Make sure the sharing icons for your social media pages are at the bottom of every blog. If you use WordPress, using a plugin for social media will help you to do this quickly and easily. You can boost your engagement on social media by interacting with your customers on your social media platforms as much as possible.

Your company’s contact information should also be accessible at the top of every page. Make it as easy as possible for people to contact you via telephone, email, or a handy ‘contact us’ form available via the top of your pages. It should be simple for people to contact you with inquiries, and it will make your company seem more visible and accessible. Your business success is often tied to the visibility of your company online.

Offer Incentives For Engaging With Your Content

Most people are happy to give you their email address if it involves the possibility of being given some free items, or the chance of receiving a discount. Make engaging with your content feel like a reward by offering incentives like free advice via PDF, or a discount on items for a certain amount of time.

You can also create a mini-game as part of an opt-in form, like spinning a wheel to get a particular coupon, free item, or discount. Make it enticing for people to play the game in exchange for their email address, and reward them accordingly for getting involved in the process.

Your website design is more than just the appearance of the site, but also how easy it is for the user to navigate your pages. Ask yourself how engaging your website is while you create or redesign your pages, to help you make your site more appealing to your target audience.

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