Alina Bradford

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Two Tips for Small Business

Running a small business is a process that has radically changed over the past decade. Before, you’d set up a brick and mortar store. You’d make a name for yourself in your local community and you’d rely on physical traffic through your store to make sales and generate a profit.

However, nowadays, with the rise of Ecommerce, we’ve become a lot more dependent on tech and the web. Now, Ecommerce is great. There are all sorts of perks that come hand in hand with it, such as reaching a worldwide audience more easily, operating at all hours of the day and night, and better opportunities for networking and brand collaboration.

But when we’re so much more reliant on tech, it’s important that we take measures and precautions to ensure that we succeed, no matter what may be thrown at us. So, here are a couple of pieces of advice that will help you to make relying on tech less hassle and more problem-free.

Make Sure You Have an IT Consultant

An IT Consultant is an essential contact for any company - no matter how big or small it may be. IT consultants can take a look at any issues you may be having with the tech you rely on and they will be able to offer advice to repair it or replace it as quickly and effectively as possible. There’s no point looking for an IT consultant once a problem has already occurred. This will only delay proceedings and will mean your business is out of service for a longer period of time - impacting sales and profits. Having an IT consultant ready and waiting will help you tackle issues immediately and get things back on track much more quickly. Now, there are two ways of going about this. You can have an in-house consultant or an outsourced consultant. In house consultants are ready whenever you are. However, so are outsourced and outsourced consultants tend to be a little more cost effective. This means that the latter is often the better option for small businesses in particular.

Update Your Software

Software updates exist for a reason. Those little pop up notifications we receive prompting updates aren’t there for the fun of it. But for some reason, so many of us click delay and ignore. When you’re running a small business that relies on tech so much, you need to make sure that you and any staff you may have are taking notice of these prompts and update software whenever updates are available. This will make your devices less prone to problems and hacking in the long run and prevent issues and wasted working hours.

These are just two pieces of advice that can make relying on tech a little less daunting. Tech is great for your company and your business’ progression. You just need to make sure you keep on top of things!