Alina Bradford

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Lack of Freelance Work: What to Do When You Have Nothing to Do


Cartoon by Alina Bradford

When you work as a freelance writer you're going to have times when there's more work than you can handle, and other times when you have nothing to do. Even if there's no client work, you can still find plenty to do to earn money for the day.

Write a post for your personal blog Come up with an article pitch for a print magazine Write for a mill like Demand Media Studios or Break Studios Write a residual income article for sites like Suite 101 or Like My 5 Bid on some work at Elance or Guru Apply for some new freelancing writing jobs Work on your own website so that you can have Adsense rolling in during your next freelancing drought.  There's always something you can be doing to generate extra income. Don't let these slow days pass you by.