Alina Bradford

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I Said 'No' to a Book Deal, Too

I Guess I Wasn't Hungry Enough to Accept 

I saw this article, I Turned Down a Book Deal Last Week, on Facebook and had to click on the link. Normally, the name of the blog would have been enough. You turned down a book deal? Gasp! But for me, it was more than that. You see, I too have turned down a book deal. 

It was two years ago and it was on a subject I love: home food storage. I came up with an outline and a table of contents. I was excited. Then, I learned how much I was going to get paid.

The editor offered a measly $1,500. No, that isn't the advance. $1,500 was to be the whole shebang. I didn't even get royalties and the publisher would own all of the rights. 

I said 'no thanks.'

Have you ever turned down a book deal?