Alina Bradford

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Brand Management Extravaganza, What to Read this Week: March 30- April 5

branding your business

Welcome to this week's instalment of What to Read. This week there are some great reads to make your brand the best it can be.

Get Your Online Brand Rocking

Want to rock your online presence, but don't want to read a long article about it? This infographic by is perfect. It breaks down everything you need to do to get your online image popping into daily, weekly and monthly tasks so you don't get overwhelmed. It's best tip is:

Getting Attention for Your Brand

Eyes on your marketing

Attention isn't easy to come by in the jam-packed internet marketplace. Luckily though, there are some brand management tips you can use to stand out from the rest. Search Engine Land gives you the low-down in the post How To Get Your Content In Front Of Millions Of Eyeballs by Stoney deGeyter. The best quote from the article is:

SEO is about seeking out and fixing any roadblocks that might be preventing your content from being found. This includes “hidden” site architectural issues, navigation issues, usability issues and, yes, keyword/content issues.

How Google and Twitter will Be Affecting Your Brand

google and twitter are teaming up

Newsflash! Google and Twitter are teaming up. What does this mean for your brand? Read Social Media Today's article SEO Game Changer: Twitter and Google Finally Agree to a Search Deal.  Due to the mash-up:

...Twitter activity is likely to have a direct impact on search engine visibility.

So, if you don't have a strong presence on Twitter, then you need to hop to it. If you need help, just let me know.

 A Little Known Way to Market Your Brand

Little known marketing idea